Friday, January 30, 2009

Goddamn School

I am already so fucking tired of the bullshit my teachers spew out. Thus far this year, i've had a teacher try to tell me that there's never been a recorded death from wolf attack [which the class believed], and the same teacher take an entire class period talking about one-inch margins.

I've asked nicely to leave early instead of just rolling out, and got the rudest response I have ever heard.

I've had to wake up before it is light out to listen to a renaissance fair bitch talk about big meaty creatures and the beauty of penii.

This is probably going to be a bad semester... I can't motivate myself to go to these classes when there is NOTHING that makes attending worth it. If I lose my scholarship next semester, i'm going to start taking only history classes. These useless required classes are killing me.

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