Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Except for kyle, every man i've ever trusted has treated me like a piece of shit.

I think this says more about me than the men.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I just don't understand

Why some people just can't fake it. Every day, I make an unconscious decision to put my best mood forward. I am of the opinion that there is almost never a need to be in a pissy mood, all it succeeds in doing is making everyone around you feel just as shitty as yourself. Every day, at work and at home, the people around me are pissed off.

I can't even recall the last time I engaged in this sort of behavior- you know what i'm talking about. Sulking around silently, frowning constantly, giving one-word answers to innocuous questions. Yet, I constantly encounter it.

Why do some people feel the need to even be in bad moods? The only acceptable reasons for this are receiving some sort of devastating news, or feeling incredibly sick/ill at ease. It's safe to say that most of the people I know have not recently received devastating news or are sick everyday- SO WHY DO THEY FEEL THE NEED TO BE SUCH FUCKING BUMMERS??????

The amount of negativity I see is really starting to get to me. It's frustrating to be constantly cheerful and receive only random, inexplicable pissiness in return. I don't put on a good mood for you fucks- I do it for myself. What I don't understand is what being pissy accomplishes; probably because it accomplishes nothing. There is nothing positive that comes out of sulking, period.

In conclusion, i'd really appreciate it if one other person besides me made the conscious decision to stop their bullshit and attempt to be happy. It's really not that fucking hard, I don't even have to try to be happy. It's being angry and upset that takes the real effort.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bad Week?

The worst. There must be something in the air.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

All the Above

There's nothing left to say or think about, all that's left is what has to be done. We can't fix the past in the slightest bit, we can only correct the future.

Things to do:
-apply to jsarge
-fill out fafsa and appeal vcu financial aid
-apply to u of r

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I know a girl

Who needs the shit beat out of her.

too bad no one will ever have the gall.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Welcome to the good life

Better than the life i live, where i thought that i was gonna go crazy. buckroebeachlove09!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Today has been the worst day of my life thus far, but that's irrelevant.

What's really pissing me off at the moment is my "Highlights" sidebar on facebook, which continously shows me photo albums and fan pages of people I used to date whom I no longer ever want to see. Sweet, facebook.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Allz i've got to say is:

Thank god theres always alcohol

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Party poop

30 minute feverish nap, now its time to put on a happy face, rehydrate myself from these fuckin painkillers jacking my internal h2o , and enjoy the last for a while.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Finest Hours....

Cory: "katey can seriously handle anything"

dealt with the cops last night being completely wasted, it wasn't really that big of a deal because they were super nice, but cory was impressed. it's funny, last nights party was supposed to be a cookout, and I just KNEW yesterday that it was going to be the one to get the cops called on. I still find myself wondering how slosherama went off without any sort of cop intervention.

female police officer: what took you so long to get here when we were pounding on the door??
me: i had to come from the back of the house
female police officer: oh okay

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

These dreams, they seem to cost money, but money cost some dreams.

9am domestic dispute call, I stay classy.

I was just about to call you when you called.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What's done is done, cannot be undone.

My life just got a whole hell of a lot weirder, but don't ask me to explain. I signed on here with a ton to say, and it's all kind of disappeared on me.

The epic slosherama was a success, in that all or nearly all were sloshed and I do believe that almost everyone had a good time. Next party is memorial day weekend, start marking your calendars!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Im at walmart right now

Buying 150 plastic cups and a slip-n-slide. slosherama is whats up

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A miracle

Bianca went to class...Without paper or a pen

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Got tired of being around cunts all day, now i'm around tool city usa

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The normal terror feeling of driving with b

"the richmond pack"

I need to stop making friends with so many class of 2010 people, it makes me feel old...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

On it

Fast times, got email posting enabled so hopefully this will be more picture based

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Whatever it is, she can't stop it.

Been facing a lot of my own demons this week, that's been working out well.

I don't remember parts of Saturday night, but i'm pretty sure it was awesome. We have the strangest best parties ever, but I always feel like only me and Bianca are having fun out of the roomies& bffs like kyle because we know almost everyone there? Anyways all this means is that if you're reading this, SHOW UP! COME PARTY WITH US!

freakin takin over the city is whats up.

updates: someone may be arrested:)
potential new job
MAD CA$H thanks vcu!

I have two weeks lef of school:)

Monday, April 6, 2009

No More Stress, Now I'm Straight

This weekend has been an absolute mess. I am a generally non-confrontational person, and having two confrontations within one weekend doesn't sit well with me. It's a miracle it's taken me this long to realize that one person here is the manipulator, but lucky for me I'm not easily manipulated. Quite the opposite in fact.

I am more than tired of your psychotic ravings, and you WILL be out of my house by the end of the month- "it's not up for discussion." I think it's funny that anyone can forget where the hell they came from, and who gave them the opportunities they have now- lest you forget, you are in the house because of me, bianca's and cory's good graces. It's not YOUR house, you are a boarder. OH, and PS-I do what I want.

We're facing a serious dilemma because we <3 cory and we don't want to screw him over in the process of removing this person from our house. Guess it's going to require some discussion, that should be fun. Thinking about bringing Janice over tonight to talk some sense into triflin roommate.

In other news, I have a ton of stuff to take care of this week including:

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saturday Night: The Promised Land

nights like this have become normal, last year they would have astounded me. started saturday night by rescuing matt from his car, then drank a shitton of margaritas and beast, reconnected with some old friends, and took a 2:30 am trip to the promised land of 1213 w clay.
it's been almost a year, i'm counting the days. its never really over.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Goin to Carolina in my mind

Last night was fun, the roomies and I rolled up to the camel a little past 11, dirty danced for a half-hour, decided we werent drunk enough and left to go back to the crib, downed some drinks, went back, danced and tuckered out around 1.. I think the walk did us in.

T-minus 4hours until my piece of shit car is supposed to make it to north carolina :]

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Been at all time highs and all time lows, sometimes barely maintain it"

It's over, sweetie. You were one of my best friends, I trusted you with everything. I trusted you to drive me home after a night of drinking, I listened to you on the phone for hours when you and Cam broke up, we spent most of the last summer hanging. Now, you can trust me to put you in jail. I hope you get your fucking life together, and figure out who really means anything to you, now that you've lost all of our mutual friends over this. If I can't put you in jail, theres gonna be no end to the destruction I will unleash. You should have thought about this, maybe all the coke has gone to your brain, maybe you've just finally gone off the deep end. But this time, you've messed with the wrong teenage girls.

On a completely different note, we had our second party this weekend. It was excellent- kind of reminiscent of a high school party, with way more alcohol and way crazier people. I found out some people are a hell of a lot of fun when before I thought they were bitches- aka job well done, self and housemates. Next weekends gonna be OFF THE CHAIN [lol kyle], it's kyles birthday! and some friends are leaving for the mil so they need a send off.

Other events:
Smoking with kyle for the first time in a long time, very enlightening. "Dude, Katey, this is the first time we've smoked in foreverrrr"
"Yeah, except for when Bianca falls asleep"
"So basically everytime we just smoke together"

Drinking with the neighbors- first tequila drink, very excellent.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Saturday Night

was nuts. props to all who came out and partied with us, lets make it bigger and even better next weekend- all are welcome.

I think I probably embarrassed the fuck out of myself, but it's all in good fun. Woke up Sunday, threw up some, had 8th grade date at mcdonalds, then ate the day away.

I kind of dig this.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I don't know what you do, but I do things.

In my neverending attempts to get my life together, i'm going to start posting the accomplishments I make every day [that i remember to post], so that no day is wasted.

-Got jesus thrift to deliver
-signed up for driving school
-got bianca her 100
-did my test
-had a needed conversation with an old friend

-drop out office

Less Depressing

To lighten up this piece of shit blog a bit, look at the ridiculously gay and cute dog my mom is spending 200 dollars on:

Homeless, Jobless, Times Is Hard

Thanks to Ukrops, I am now almost completely jobless. Hear this:

Yesterday I heard some worrisome news. On separate occasions, Norby and Van each told me that they would be working salad place next week. I don't think much of this immediately, assuming that someone is on vacation next week, but that makes little sense as both of the salad ladies have already taken vac time. As the night reaches about 7, I am flipping a shit. I'm sick to my stomach, and everyone is acting weird around me. I go out on break, and I come back determined to confront the AM about whats going on.

I ask for a minute with her, and she gives me a look. The 'oh shit, dont talk to me' look. I ask her whats going on with salad place, and she responds "in what way?" AS IF SHE DIDN'T KNOW. The answer that I got was that I was being forced back into the front end, which already has no hours because of other kitchen people being moved, because another FT person needed out of kitchen. They're also trying to make me work saturdays in order to keep my job at all, FTW now I don't have a second job.

SO if I hadn't of even dared to ask, I wouldn't have known at all that I was getting removed from my job. What the FUCK are they thinking?

To Do List:
complete driving school so i don't lose my license
complete english work so i don't fail out
complete all other schoolwork
find job
apply for food stamps/medicaid


Monday, March 9, 2009

New Post Style

I've been completely slacking on my updates here, but lots of crazy stuff has happened so expect more updates soon. Right now I am in limbo in every area of my life, no real answers.

My manager took off all weekend to 'give his girlfriend moral support' while her car is broken. Make me the new manager, NBTY.

Forgot how much I missed going out to shows.

Current goals: New job, paying off car, figuring out what I have to drop.

Been thinking a lot about NTC and it's origins and going back.

It's 80 degrees, can't be cooped up forever.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Kinda Starting with a Positive Jam

New roommate potentials. We're understandably scared considering the last two: one of the laziest fucking childs in the whole world and one of the scaryest pathological liars. Best roommates. I think the new mix is going to work out, 2 and 2. And the other two aren't chris and chase.

Bitch, call outta work tonite and lets go to DC.

I've had this T.I. line in my head all day, because fools are lucky we ain't buckin like we used to go or tonight would be straight crazy. Im walking the straight and narrow though, boring lifestyle 2k9.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fuck You Guys

I'm moving out.

Its only a matter of time.

Next time a motherfucka wants to call me and yell at me for leaving shit on when I don't have a single electronic thing in my room except my laptop, they're gonna get it.

Friday, February 13, 2009


is never rewarded.

the most important life lesson, one I struggle with every day.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Follow me on twitter:


This message brought to you by the "i'm really late on internet trends" club.

I got a new phone, and now I can be on facebook 24/7 too legit

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Someone who used to be a really good friend of mine, one of my best friends, got arrested this weekend for charges I won't disclose but yeah they're bad. He made a big mistake in saying ANYTHING to the cops or to VCU. I doubt that any young'uns read this but if you do, DO NOT EVER SPEAK TO THE COPS. Anything they hear will be used against you. It removes the chance to come up with an alibi or a lawyer. If I had had a scrap of intelligence when I was 16, my mug shot would not be on file with Henrico county. I am going home tonight and telling my sister this.

He was ratted out by someone else to who spoke to the cops. If you rat out someone so that they get most of what you deserve [or don't deserve, it matters not], you deserve to fucking die. Be a fucking man, be a decent human being and take care of your own shit. That is cowardice at it's highest level.

I am seriously sick to my stomach over this in the middle of class. His life is over if he's found guilty, and the realism of that is hitting me like a fucking brick to the head. I've been thinking a lot lately about how my life will be over if I get arrested again, and this really drives the point home. We kind of always thought we were invincible. Now I don't even know what to do anymore. The police and the government have all the power over our lives, and i'm not sure how to reconcile this and keep on living.



Monday, February 2, 2009

Fuck You!

I logged on here to write something passive-aggressive, but it's really just pointless. Basically all I have to say is that people are absolutely ridiculous. I'm obviously never going to be able to live with anyone but Bianca, and if you don't like how we do, then please go away, because you won't win.


circa 2006

no homo.. hah. Off to listen to a fat fuck bellow for an hour and fail a quiz [no, really, i'm aiming for a 40]. If I lose my scholarship this semester i'm going to have to quit for a while.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Money In Da Bank

the only thing excellent about life right now is that I have accumulated a fair amount of money in the bank from various places. I can't think of anything to do with it, so I only spend the small amount I normally did without it. Having money left after paying rent for the month is nice.

What I will eventually do with it is of crucial importance, I need money from another job bad still :( .

I gave away my last good cigarette tonight and I am too lazy and too cheap to get another pack. Guess i'm sort of quitting. Fuck that its taken almost a year.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Goddamn School

I am already so fucking tired of the bullshit my teachers spew out. Thus far this year, i've had a teacher try to tell me that there's never been a recorded death from wolf attack [which the class believed], and the same teacher take an entire class period talking about one-inch margins.

I've asked nicely to leave early instead of just rolling out, and got the rudest response I have ever heard.

I've had to wake up before it is light out to listen to a renaissance fair bitch talk about big meaty creatures and the beauty of penii.

This is probably going to be a bad semester... I can't motivate myself to go to these classes when there is NOTHING that makes attending worth it. If I lose my scholarship next semester, i'm going to start taking only history classes. These useless required classes are killing me.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Drop the name of an unknown place and i'm leaving.

Going to carolina this weekend to see Giant aka BRAVEYOUNG, possibly camping out, weather permitting. Time to get away from the ole frathouse for a while.

Next Weekend: Tattoos with the mom?

Holla at me or Bianca if you're bored, i'm down for anything to get away from the brodowns.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

High School

I am so tired of fucking beer pong. I haven't played beer pong since I was 16. I don't intend to. Beer pong is for bros to get girls really fucking trashed and molest them. This tradition has stood the test of time.

Every time the "beer pong table" gets set up I want to drag it behind my mercury down the street blasting a song of triumph.

This cannot be good for my heart.

I wish everyone would grow up. No one is going to do it for you, and I feel like no one understands that college isn't Beach Week on repeat. Playing pong until you puke is just sad. If you're fucked up enough to trash someone elses house, i'll fuck you up.

In other news, I have the best numbers in the whole district at work, but i'm still being cut back to 5 hours a week. I love my job sometimes but god it is so discouraging. A lot of things right now are discouraging.

I'm 18 with the soul of a 55 year old. I really do not belong in my house.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a cold world out there.

12:40am: Stranded in the west end at my moms with no car and no phone, awesome. Went to the mom's office today to get my heart problems checked out and still no answers, awesome. I get to walk to work tomorrow and hope that my car hasn't been towed, AWESOME.

On the bright side, I get to lounge around until 2 tomorrow and watch the inauguration. Or VH1.

Hopefully I will still be alive for the rest of this week and i'll have some better updates.

Friday, January 16, 2009

flippin out pt. 2

lost my cell phone

rest in peace, man. me and you, we've been through a lot of tough times together, but you always made it through. Like the time I lost you for four days and my neighbors found you sitting in my yard frozen. Or the time you fell four feet deep in the james river and my dad dried you out. Even when the outer screen stopped working a few months ago, and your battery wouldn't last for longer than a 3 minute call. I hope whatever crazy homeless person in the library at 7am that found you made good use of you, at least for the three hours until your battery died. New phone tomorrow thnx mom, until then I am feeling so lost.
then I came home to this:

posi style son. gotta love neal

Thursday, January 15, 2009

flippin out

can't find her cell phone

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My human spirituality teacher just made a Twilight reference.

It's gonna be a long year.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weirdest Week Award

This has been the weirdest and one of the worst weeks of my life. Been at all time highs and all time lows, sometimes barely maintain it.

Yeah, I'm definitely having a personal crisis.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Got sick of all of my friends at once

Everyone is so predictable, but no one is reliable. This time last year I was just as bad off, but now it seems like it can't be fixed.

I want everyone in life who has fucked me over to never speak to me again, maybe that would make it easier.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Calling it quits


Done with putting up with your bullshit. Done with smoking and drinking, done with killing myself with dairy. Done with being scared to sleep in my own house, done with manning the fuck up for speeches and dead body checks. My hands are clean.

Lately i've been scaring myself. I can no longer feel emotion for anyone; I don't care about your problems. After committing 6 months to forgetting, all I want to do anymore is go back to the days of this spring, where I didn't work two jobs 50 hours a week, where my mom took care of my shit and gave me her car to take out, where staying up until 5am was the norm. But that's over, and I am learning to accept. It's 2009 bitches, it's time to forget 2008. Great year, but one in which I was ridiculously stupid. I am paying the price now, and I am moving on.

Me and Igor, too classy. Twas the last day of this though.


I'll show you the NTC lifestyle.

Hit CountersRank Noodle