Monday, December 29, 2008

With the only highlight of the trip thus far being Wal-Mart potato wedges, I was pulling into Richmond between the Boulevard and Belvidere exits when 'Home Sweet Home' came on shuffle on my ipod. We made wonderful time home, and we needed to. I'm never leaving Richmond, especially for somewhere west. It's just so far removed; all those cities are buried inside America. Theres no escape.

On a a serious note, fuck Louisville. I am never going back there. It's like it tries to be as 'cool' as Richmond and DC, but it's so full of rich yuppies that it's impossible. Fuck most of the people there, and especially fuck you, Keith.

I came home to warm damp rugs creating a humid tropical rainforest in my house and a roommate bitching about conditioner that he probably hid from himself. I woke up to a mother screaming about my 200 dollar parking ticket and went to work only to come home again to the power out. Awesome.

NTC lifestyle never quit

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